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이천십년 삼월 두번째날 화요일 슬슬 따스해짐 - Reflection on my sleeping(Essay style) Reflection on my sleeping (Essay style) All people have to sleep. I am a person. So I have to sleep. This is an easy inductive thinking. Sleeping is what everyone has to do, so I do not complain about sleeping. What I am worried about is the quantity, quality, and habit of my sleeping. The first issue about my sleeping appears to be the amount of my sleeping time. I slept more than 7 hours yeste.. 더보기
이천십년 이월 스물여덞번째날 주일 날씨 멋지다! - Again, New Start! Again, New Start! New Year's day resolution. It is very common tradition over the world. However, February 28th resolution is not so usual. Here is a man who is going to do that something peculiar; his name is Yohan, who is me, while the resolutions are hackneyed. I decided to start again doing my daily study, keeping track of assignments, and finding extracurricular activities. First, I will re.. 더보기
이천십년 이월 열여덞번째날 목요일 바람은 좀 차지만 햇빛이 따스해 지고 있음 I have an exam tomorrow, which means, I should stay up late and study. Hoo... Okay! Let's roll it! 더보기
이천십년 이월 열일곱번째날 수요일 날씨 괘안타~ㅎ I had a heating talk with Ryan and Goun about her and my future. Her major is same as mine and vision is similar. Facing soon graducation, she should make a huge desicion for her future. What do I want to do? What is the best choice? Where should I go? What can I do? There are many options, but it is still hard to pick one. What should be the primary reason? Why do I want to do education? How ca.. 더보기
이천십년 이월 열여섯번째날 화요일 날씨 이쁨. 눈이 다 녹았다. 근데 눈 산이 남았다. 누군가 눈 치울 때 눈차로 모아둔 것 같았다. 새푸른 잔디밭 한 가운데에 봉긋 솟은 눈동산. 오늘 따라 파란 하늘, 하얀 구름 사이로 맑게 떠있는 태양이 평소보다 아름다워, 내 동심을 자극했다. 그것이..... 사건의 발단이었다. I became childlike and did like a child. I ran to the snow hill, imagining to kick the top of it. Then, I fell down right in front of it, 발라당. Ku ooooo!!! It did not hurt, but it was really 발라당, which was like in comics. Fortunately, there was no.. 더보기