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이천십년 삼월 두번째날 화요일 슬슬 따스해짐 - Reflection on my sleeping(Essay style)

Reflection on my sleeping (Essay style)


         All people have to sleep. I am a person. So I have to sleep. This is an easy inductive thinking. Sleeping is what everyone has to do, so I do not complain about sleeping. What I am worried about is the quantity, quality, and habit of my sleeping.
         The first issue about my sleeping appears to be the amount of my sleeping time. I slept more than 7 hours yesterday. It was not superfluous for a man sleeping a day, but the thing is, my aim is to sleep only 5~6 hours a day because I have many things to do. I believe that I can manage to live with 5 hours-sleeping. There are many models in the world, who are generally celebrities and prominent people of today.
         Theoretically, I am fine though I get up after 5 hours or 4 hours. I have done so many times. Once in a while, my mental and physical condition was good enough for the day when I got up just after 3 or 4 hours. That encourages me to plan to sleep five hours a day, but one thing holding back my dreamy plan is, I am very weak in the morning. I cannot get up by myself. 
         I have attempted various ways to wake me up in the morning such as alarm setting, morning calls, and early appointments. Among the methods, early appointments for meeting people or going to class worked the best. These days, even the way, however, does not wake me up positively. What am I supposed do to shorten my sleeping time but keep a good heathy condition?
         Some methods that I have found through my experiences come up into my mind. The first one is to be alert when I sleep. When I was strained for something important the next morning, I would get up without great difficulty. When I was a private in the army, I could get up one to five minutes before six o'clock without any alarm. One problem of this method is that I do not want to be nervous when I go to bed, rather, to be very comfortable.
         The second one is going to bed before twelve. It's been said that sleeping before twelve makes a great difference to the quality of sleeping. People say, sleeping from eleven to four am produces better sleep than sleeping from one to six am despite the same length of sleeping time. I agree with that opinon.
         The third way is to prepare something very fascinating and intriguing to do right after I get up. It can be watching a movie, playing a game, or reading a comics. I wish that it could be reading the Bible or praying hard. When I apply this method, I usually fail by getting very involved in the interesting object, or by being sick and tired of it. In conclusion, I would try all the ways again. I hope it is not going to be tentative.


         Oops, it is 12 am already. I have to go to bed right now. I will talk about the quality and habit of my sleeping some time later.