Again, New Start!
New Year's day resolution. It is very common tradition over the world. However, February 28th resolution is not so usual. Here is a man who is going to do that something peculiar; his name is Yohan, who is me, while the resolutions are hackneyed. I decided to start again doing my daily study, keeping track of assignments, and finding extracurricular activities.
First, I will resume my daily study, which has been ceased for a while because of some events. My study has three main parts: Bible, English, and Japanese. As I used to do, I will read five chapters of English Bible in NKJV(New King James Version) with audio files. Then, memorizing significant Bible verses is going to be the next step. In addition, my meditating on the verse will take place.
In terms of English study, some more works are added to my previous study, memorizing vocabulary. They are dictating AP news from Hackers site, watching Korus Daily English provided from Embassy of the Republic of Korea in USA, and journaling every day with several writing forms, which are descriptive, photo, novelistic, essayist, and free styles. For Japanese, the same method that I used before will be performed again.
Second, catching up with assignments is that I have to do the most important. I have presumptously studied in this semester despite the fact that I could barely survive after the former semester. Now is the time to make up all I have been missing. Let me be alert and stick to studying.
Third, finding extracurricular activities is only hope for my future. If studying is like a course of accumulating money, being active out of my curricular is deciding what and how to buy. I will constantly find activities such as volunteering, exercising, ministering, and researching on my field. They will enlarge my worldview and stage of activity.
I vacillate in front of the cold reality that I would be solvent of all the expenses that I would pay. Can I juggle well through this stormy world? These farfetched sentences that I wrote above foreshadow my dismal prospects. There will be a day soon or later that all my debts and duties will be exonerated. Hoping for the future, I run today inasmuch as my life today decides my life tomorrow.
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