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이천십년 이월 일일 월요일 날씨 우이씽. 우씨..... 새벽 3시 44분이다. 이 사람 무슨 숙제가 이렇게 많어... 우씨.. ㅠ.ㅠ 젠장, 무슨 하버드 같은 명문대도 아닌데 공부양은 TV에서 보는 것처럼 많이 하는 구나... 질은 모르겠다. 우씽.... 더보기
이천십년 일월 마지막날 주일 날씨 좀 추웠음. Hoo~ It's 1:10 am. I should sleep for tomorrow's early morning prayer, but I had homeworks to do. I went to church in the morning with Japaness friends. After church, one of those friends suggested me having lunch together, which he cooked for us : 오코노미야끼. It was my first time to eat that. It was very delicious. However, I got to come back home at 4:00 pm. Ah~~~~~~~~~~ I had a lot of homeworks!!.. 더보기
이천십년 일월 삼십일 토요일 날씨 사무이. Hmm... I should do my homework. But, I did play pingpong and watched a movie. Ah... Yeah, I should have some leisure time, too. However, NOT too much. Balance is important. Let me begin again to poise my life between study and leisure. Today's verse Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Frankly speaking, I am afraid of getting through my life along by my plan, whic.. 더보기
이천십년 일월 이십구일 신나는 금요일밤, 날씨는 꾸리꾸리하지만 괜찮다. I got up in the morning and saw the time. 9:15 Doo Doong!!!! Ah... my morning class today ends at 9:20. I have never missed a class since I studied here. What a tragedy it is. X 더보기
Matthew 5:16 Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Through what I do, may my Father in heaven be glorifed. Father, use me as your tools. What good things can I do for the glory of God in Southwestern? I should call Anong. 더보기