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이천십년 이월 이일 화요일 날씨 괜찮음.

Ah, thank God. Due day of New Testament paper is postponded. he~ I can sleep early today. :D

After morning class and Chapel (I dozed), I was very tired.

I just lay on the bed for a while.

My roommie saw me and said, "let's have lunch together with friends down in the basement. They are cooking now."

I did not want to bother, but I got up and ate with them.

It was 돼지고기! 라면! 계란! 김치!.


It restored my lost energy!

That fellowship recovered me.

Ah, I need to depend on others sometimes and have time with them.

It is a real accountability.


Jesus said in John 13:34-35,

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another,

even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

By this all men may know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.


I memorized these verses and I know how significant this truth is.

I thought I keep the commandment in some way.

But, I did not do it in the opposite way.

Jesus did not mean that only I myself love others.

We should love one other (each other).

It is a two-way-interaction.

Let me have true fellowship so that we all Christians love each other.