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아빠 같기는...ㅋ

-뚜르르르르, 뚜르르르르-
"?? hello?"
"is this yohan?"
"Yes, I am."
"um, I'm christina. your mom asked me to call you so..."
"My mom? why?"
"She just wanted me to talk to you."
"yeah~ that's great. so, what should we talk?"
"I... I have no idea. um... how old are you?"
"I'm 25 years old in American age. how about you?"
"I'm 22 years old."
"I can guess why my mom made you call me."
"She made you call me because you are very pretty so that she wanted to introduce you to me."
"Oh... hahaha... thanks."
"Where do you live?"
"I live in New york.
"Wow, you are New yorker! aren't you?"
"Yes... sort of..."
"Everybody envies New yorkers."
"haha, it's not like that these days."
"What do you do?"
"I work in a English institute as an English teacher."
"Wow, cool!"
"I'm ashamed of saying I'm a English teacher 'cause of my bad English."
"No, you speaks so good. I have thought you are in America now."
"hahaha, Thanks. Are you a student?"
"Yes, I'm in third grade of Newoleans(???뉴올리언즈) university."
"What's your major?"
"I study pharmacy."
"Cool, then, you will be a doctor something?"
"I think it would be great honor of being a friend of New yorker."
"Would you give the honor to me?"
"... s, sure~"
"Then, can I get your e-mail address?"
"Sure, cm??86@gmail.com"
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"I will send you an e-mail someday. I'm not a person writing much, though."
"um... Can I talk to my mom?"
"응 엄마. 누구야?"
"응 CCC에서 연계해서 온 미국 대학생이야. 아버지가 목사님이래."
"근데 나 왜 통화시킨 거야?"
"아... 아빠가......"

사실 그랬다.
내가 내년에 유학갈 준비를 하고... 돈을 모으고 알아서 착착 준비하고 있긴 하다.
그래도 역시 불안하시긴 했나보다.
내가 유학가서 잘 할 수 있을지 알아볼 요령으로 전화 시킨 것이다.


아빠 같기는....

아버지는... 세상 모든 아버지는 그런 것 같다.
아들은... 아들이다.

아버지에게 절대 눌리지 않으리~
누가 나를 어떻게 보더라도...
그것이 사람이라면, 소신껏 나아가야지....
주께서 인도하시리....

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