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I should arrange. I should arrange my life again. These days, my life cycle has been messed up. Wake up, man! Restart! Oh.. it got over 10,000 visiting my blog without my notice. 더보기
1 Corinthians chapter 10 10 do not be idolters, do not commit sexual immorality, do not grumble as some people did. They all were killed. These are written down to warn us. Idol is nothing, but it belongs to demon. Don't participate in demons. Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible, but not everything is constructive. Listen and care for the consciousness of others, too. D.. 더보기
1 Conrinthian Chapter 8, 9 8 Knowleadge pops up but love builds up. the man who loves God is known by God. There is only one God. I will never eat the food sacrificed to idols if it makes someone who is weak at spiritual consciousness fall down. 9 I and Barnaba work for living. I'd rather die that have anyone deprive me from boost. I'm compelled to preach. I'm not volunteerly. My rewards? free of charge. I belong to no ma.. 더보기
I had an operation on my eyes. (눈 수술 했다.) Bye-Bye for a while. (당분간 잠수). 더보기
1 Corinthian chapter 3, 4 I will give what you can bear. you are not ready yet. Why do you make groups in one Jesus christ? There is only one God. We are God's fellow workers. The foundation of our church is Jesus Christ. you are God's temple. God's temple is sacred. Whom destroy HIs temple will be destroyed by Him. do not deceive yourself, for the wisdoms of this world are foolish in God's sight. no more boasting about .. 더보기