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2 Corinthian chapter 8~13 8 They gave them first to God sincerly. 9 10 let the man who boast boast in the LORD. 11 I will boast the thing I boast my weakness. 12. 13 examine and test yourself, is Jesus in you? :-) How corrupted I am. These days, I feel like I 'm far away from my LORD. It doesn't mean He is not my LORD, but We are not as close as before. Both He and I should be very close, that's the way I should live and.. 더보기
손교수님 제자들 모임 세부사항 「보고 싶다 친구야」 (I Miss You So Much) 장소: 대전 유성구 궁동 충남대학교 앞 이동-> 동학사 날짜/시간: 09년 1월 31일 토요일 오전 9시 30분 집결 ~ 2-3시 종료예상(개인별 변동가능) 활동: 동학사에서 가볍게 산책하며(등산아님!) 대화 및 맛있는 점심식사. *추후활동은 당일 원하는데로 결정 목적: 보고 싶어서. 회비 및 준비물: 15,000원 / 운동화 참석인원: 16명 확정 (가인원: 9명) 세부명단: 손상영 교수, 김요한, 최정현, 오세훈, 김하은, 김성신, 장은혜, 양혜림, 조스데반, 손갑호, 정은혜, 진주연, 송다혜, 박수정, 김지훈, 이유석 (가등록자: 이란, 임현진, 윤여진, 유애리, 양미나, 주종희, 손지혜, 이법규, 오형균) ※차량을 가져오는 분은 미리 연락.. 더보기
I got an arrow into my heart. To hold it or not to hold it, To feel or to reason, that is the question. I'm a man of thought and a man of emotion, and I feel before I think but I can't help thinking after I feel it. Even though I try not to think, it is already to think. There is no way to help thinking. All I can do now is to try make one step more till my heart devours my reason. Whose poison is more potent, it will turn o.. 더보기
Restart!!! My good point is restarting although I fail again and again. In fact, it was not my strong point. I used to be truly impatient. Everytime I make a new and excellent decision like making a good habit or new project, it didn't last long. Frankly speaking, it happens these days, too. However, I decided to believe that restarting is my special ability, and I failed again, but I start again now. Rest.. 더보기
Ah, I got 940 points out of 990 in TOEIC. I studied only Listening part by two hours for a week by my own self. And it was my first time to take that test. Can I be proud of myself a little? What's more, it dawned on me, "the better you are at English, the better score you can get" It's not a matter of studying for a test. It's a matter of how much I'm used to English. good good. 더보기