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My first try for Tuna Kimchi Stew Finally, I began to cook!!! It's one of my favorite food. Tuna Kimchi Jjigae!!! It was greatly delicious. It's not only my own opinion but also my roommate's impression. I think I was born to cook. I should have been a cook. hahaha (it's kidding, you know.) I want to write down the recipe but I will report it when I get more used to cooking. Cooking is plesant~ Rul Loo~ 더보기
A happy time in Jeju. I went to Jeju with my grandma for comforting her mind of loss of her beloved grand son, Hyungjun and mine, too. Spending two weeks, we travelled around much. It's me, hahaha. My family has been fighting against the evil ones in Jeju. It's said there are 15,000 gods in Jeju. By that effect probably, some of the town people are opposing against my family wanting to set up a building for the child.. 더보기
Practice makes you perfect. The time is now. 더보기
At BBokkaeng's home. It was long journey from jeju to Seoul and then, to Kwangju. Yeah, the time is very coming. 더보기
2008 여름 제 14회 캠프코리아 국내 영어캠프 스텝 모집 안내 2008 여름 제 14회 캠프코리아 국내 영어캠프 스텝 모집 안내 1. 장 소 고려대학교(세종캠퍼스) 2. 근무기간 2008년 7월 18일 ~ 2008년 8월 17일 [입소 전 O.T 2일, 뒷정리 1일 포함] 3. 모집인원 00명 4. 모집부문 - CC (Camp Counselor) : 외국인 선생님의 수업 보조, 학생 생활 지도 관리 - 지원부서 (Supporting Team) : 캠프 생활 전반적인 분야에 걸친 업무 지원 * Operation Staff 은 남성분들만 지원해 주시기 바랍니다. 5. 급여사항 90만원(4주) * 모든 캠프 참가자에게 숙식, 보험, 캠프 티셔츠 및 수료증 제공 6. 응시자격 - 대학교 재학이상의 기본회화 가능한 자 - 아이들을 사랑하는 긍정적인 사고방식의 소유자. 7. .. 더보기