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Songs. L'etudiante (Orchestral) 그대에게 바래요 - 솔비I picked up from a Cafe. I will find this MP3. 더보기
Once upon a time... (Making a story with my memorized words) I got a idea while I was memorizing words. "It will be better to remember these if I make a story with these words." So I tried it and spent 3 hours, and decided that I would never do this again. T.T It was hard for me making this non-sense story with the 100 difficult words. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Once upon a time, there lived David and Yohan in a to.. 더보기
To be sincere to God. - 경건해 지기 위해서... 내 밖엔... 없다. No out of me, 뱀처럼 도사리고 있던 욕망이 Only does the desire lurking in 불끈불끈 피어오를 뿐, Like a snake surge up, 내 안에... 있다. It is in me. 성령님은 어디 가셨나 Where has the Spirit gone, 내 안에 죄성은 여전하니 Still is sinfulness in me. 누구를 원망하고 Whom to blame, 누구에게 기도할까 Whom to pray 기도한다... I pray to be 아버지의 권위로 눌러주길 Oppressed by Father's authority. 또 기도한다... I pray again to be 아들의 사랑으로 씻어주길 Washed away by Son's love.. 더보기
John Chapter 4 a God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth. My Father, my Lord, am I worshiping you in spirit and in truth? I'm afraid I'm not sincere to you. Plz lead me not into temptation but deliever me from the evil. Chapter 4:1~43 The Pharisees heard that Jesus was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John. although in fact it was not Jesus who baptized but his disciples. W.. 더보기
John Chapter 2 Why did Jesus did a miracle although it was not His time yet? I don't know about it, but I just imagine and apply it to this case that may happen in my life. I'm a member of a Church and give worship service regularly. One day, there is an announcement that Sunday school does need teachers for the children. One of my friends or my fiance(hopefully) tells me, "they need teachers for the children... 더보기