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A happy time in Jeju.

I went to Jeju with my grandma for comforting her mind of loss of her beloved grand son, Hyungjun and mine, too.
Spending two weeks, we travelled around much.

It's me, hahaha.

My family has been fighting against the evil ones in Jeju. It's said there are 15,000 gods in Jeju.
By that effect probably, some of the town people are opposing against my family wanting to set up a building for the children's education and welfare and the church.
The event like the thing happening in the unbeliever's land in the world is happening in Korea, Jeju.
All I can do is to pray to God for my family. I believe the Lord, my God will make it.
Mother and Father, Cheer up!! 


This time would be the last time being with my family in Korea before I leave for America.
So I made this for my future sons and daugthers and wife on my birthday.
I was likely to cry before my mom crying and saying 'I'm very proud of you, my son who has well grown though I haven't done anything good enough for you.'

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