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To be sincere to God. - 경건해 지기 위해서...

 내 밖엔... 없다.                                    No out of me,
뱀처럼 도사리고 있던 욕망이                  Only does the desire lurking in
불끈불끈 피어오를 뿐,                           Like a snake surge up,  
 내 안에... 있다.                                    It is in me.

성령님은 어디 가셨나                            Where has the Spirit gone,
내 안에 죄성은 여전하니                        Still is sinfulness in me.
누구를 원망하고                                   Whom to blame,
누구에게 기도할까                                Whom to pray

기도한다...                                          I pray to be
아버지의 권위로 눌러주길                      Oppressed by Father's authority.
또 기도한다...                                      I pray again to be
아들의 사랑으로 씻어주길                      Washed away by Son's love.
그리고 기도한다.                                  And I pray to be
성령의 충만으로 조정하길                      Dominated by fullness of Spirit.
나를... 나를... 자기를...                         I, me, self...

나도 원하고                                         I aspire
자기도 원하고                                      Myself yearns
주님도 원하고                                      The LORD wants 
오직 사탄만 싫어할 터인데...                  Only Satan hates it.
응답은 한없이 느릴까...                         Response is infinitely slow.

의심의 영                                            Spirit of doubt
기도의 부족                                         Lack of prayer
자신의 열심                                         Zeal of a person
간절함의 상실                                      Loss of eagerness
알수없는 크신 뜻                                  Uncomprehensible, huge will of His

까짓 배움으로                                      A little learned,
결론은 아직                                         Yet the conclusion
그건 내 답                                           It's mine,
그분 답...                                            For His, already
이미 믿는다.                                        I believe. 
쉬지말고 기도하라.                               Pray continually.

'기타 > 일기' 카테고리의 다른 글

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