기타/Q.T. 썸네일형 리스트형 말씀 묵상의 실제(묵상성경) 말씀 묵상의 실제 (묵상성경) 1. 묵상의 정의 묵상(Meditation)이란 어원은 원래 라틴어 ‘메디켈루스’(Medikelus)에서 온 말로 ‘약’(Medicine)이란 뜻이다. 약은 약 봉투나 병에 담겨져 있을 때는 결코 몸에 효력이 없지만 그것을 몸 속에 투약할 때는 약효를 나타낸다. 이와 같이 성경 말씀도 지식으로만 머리에 남아 있고 심령 속에 살아 있지 아니하면, 우리의 신앙 성숙에 아무런 도움을 주지 못하며 오히려 거침돌이 된다. 그러므로 묵상 과정은 내 인격이 말씀 속에 몰입되어 하나님을 체험하는 필수적 훈련이다. 즉 성경 사건 속에 내가 들어가고 성경 사건이 현실에 사는 나의 삶에 들어오는 것을 말한다. 2. 묵상의 실제 방법 1) 읽기 책을 읽는다기보다 하나님의 음성을 듣는 자세로 읽는.. 더보기 Galatian chapter 2 Paul, the apostle of Gentiles vs Peter, the apostle of Jews. The truth is one. We love God and our neighbors with all our heart. One of the way performing the revealation is preaching gospel to others. However, even in preaching gospel, there are various ways to do it. Then, I surly want and am going to be the preacher. No matter how great I can be, what kind of preacher I become matters. Of cou.. 더보기 Galatian chapter 1 Introduction The most pressing questions were addressed in Galatian from Apostle Paul. What is required for people to be saved, and how do know believers, especially non jeweshi, gentile beilievers related to Jeweshi laws. The earliest believers were Jewish, who claimed Jesus as their Messiah. So there were dual kind of people: one argues they should keep the Moses' laws strictly and another cla.. 더보기 2 Corinthian chapter 8~13 8 They gave them first to God sincerly. 9 10 let the man who boast boast in the LORD. 11 I will boast the thing I boast my weakness. 12. 13 examine and test yourself, is Jesus in you? :-) How corrupted I am. These days, I feel like I 'm far away from my LORD. It doesn't mean He is not my LORD, but We are not as close as before. Both He and I should be very close, that's the way I should live and.. 더보기 1 Corinthians chapter 10 10 do not be idolters, do not commit sexual immorality, do not grumble as some people did. They all were killed. These are written down to warn us. Idol is nothing, but it belongs to demon. Don't participate in demons. Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible, but not everything is constructive. Listen and care for the consciousness of others, too. D.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 다음