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Galatian chapter 1

The most pressing questions were addressed in Galatian from Apostle Paul.
What is required for people to be saved, and how do know believers, especially non jeweshi, gentile beilievers related to Jeweshi laws.
The earliest believers were Jewish, who claimed  Jesus as their Messiah.
So there were dual kind of people: one argues they should keep the Moses' laws strictly and another claims they could have more liberty based on love.
Paul wrote that the human's efforts didn't make any difference to salavation, otherwise, salvation is only given by God with one's faith.
Only the transforming power of the Holy spirit can make us better than we are.

Chapter 1
Paul was so astonished by the news the Galatians turned to other gospel, no, it was not a gospel at all.
So he said, let the people teaching you wrong gospel condemned eternally.
He told that he was not working to please men but to please only God.
All things he preched was not from any man, it was rather from revelation of Jesus Christ.
He stated that he used to be a stronger Jewish regarding Jewish things as most important than the others but now he was preaching among Gentiles, with them.

Where am I? In Jesus? or in Myself?
With whom am I? With Jesus or with the World.
Seek the right one.

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