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Galatian chapter 2

Paul, the apostle of Gentiles vs Peter, the apostle of Jews.

The truth is one. We love God and our neighbors with all our heart.
One of the way performing the revealation is preaching gospel to others.
However, even in preaching gospel, there are various ways to do it.
Then, I surly want and am going to be the preacher.
No matter how great I can be, what kind of preacher I become matters.
Of course, choosing one way doesn't mean that only should I follow the way, like Paul preached to not only Gentiles but also Jews.
But, it's important to decide which way I will follow, for I can be an expert at it and it is more effective.

Again, which way will I take?
For whom will I work?
With what method will I work?
Where will I work?
For what purpose will I work?

Under the reign of Holy spirit, I will work for the learners in need of right education, work with the method of Education policy and administration, work in Korea and the world and work for the goal making people come close to Jesus even a little bit more.
I will take the way to be an education consultant and a professor.

Gal 2:8
For God, who was at work in the ministry of Peter as an apostle to the Jews,
was also at work in my ministry as an apostle to the Gentiles.

For John.

I believe God, who is at work in the ministry of people as pastors to the church members,
will be also at work in my misnistry as an educator to the people in the world.

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