기타/일기 썸네일형 리스트형 Songs. L'etudiante (Orchestral) 그대에게 바래요 - 솔비I picked up from a Cafe. I will find this MP3. 더보기 To be sincere to God. - 경건해 지기 위해서... 내 밖엔... 없다. No out of me, 뱀처럼 도사리고 있던 욕망이 Only does the desire lurking in 불끈불끈 피어오를 뿐, Like a snake surge up, 내 안에... 있다. It is in me. 성령님은 어디 가셨나 Where has the Spirit gone, 내 안에 죄성은 여전하니 Still is sinfulness in me. 누구를 원망하고 Whom to blame, 누구에게 기도할까 Whom to pray 기도한다... I pray to be 아버지의 권위로 눌러주길 Oppressed by Father's authority. 또 기도한다... I pray again to be 아들의 사랑으로 씻어주길 Washed away by Son's love.. 더보기 I will not do internet unless... I woke up again. oops... I did it again. It's the second biggest problem these days. First, I should go to bed early. I will not do internet unless I wake up early from now on. 더보기 A happy time in Jeju. I went to Jeju with my grandma for comforting her mind of loss of her beloved grand son, Hyungjun and mine, too. Spending two weeks, we travelled around much. It's me, hahaha. My family has been fighting against the evil ones in Jeju. It's said there are 15,000 gods in Jeju. By that effect probably, some of the town people are opposing against my family wanting to set up a building for the child.. 더보기 Practice makes you perfect. The time is now. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ··· 36 다음