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I miss you. I miss you. Not others, but only you. Someday when we would meet may be if thing so-called by Fate is. 더보기
haha~ I've been working as a substitute teacher. One teacher got a car accident in Yang-G English School in which my friend, Junghyun works. So I work here now only this week. haha, It's not bad, for I earn money~. 더보기
제 7회 보드게임 모임 - 후기 7번째 친척들 보드게임 모임은 강원도 원주, 예찬이의 집에서 가졌다. 저녁 7시 30분 쯤 모여 멋진 요한이 형의 맛있는 토마토 스파게티로 배를 채운 뒤 오프닝 예배를 드린 후 본격적인 게임을 시작했다.이번엔 게임 장면을 따로 촬영하지 않고 오프닝 사진과 기념촬영만을 가졌다. 왜냐?! 게임 하느라 정신이 없었기 때문... 어느덧 게임 종류가 11가지가 넘어 한 게임을 한번씩도 다 못하고 말았다. 새벽 3시 반까지 하고... 다음 날 일어나서 1시까지 했는데도 불구하고... 게임순서는 대략 이렇다. 1. 펫나프(?) - 더하기, 빼기 카드 게임. 2. 다빈치코드 3. 시타델 - New purchase 게임. 4. 카탄 5. 푸에르토리코 과자도, 아이스크림도 많이 먹고, 다음날 점심은 또다시 멋진 요한이 형.. 더보기
I didn't know that my writing in English was this much bad. I have a friend in U.S.A, who had been in Kangnam Jooang Church, Seoul. I was a minister for Sunday School and she served as a teacher there so we could get along together. I asked her to correct my essay if she had a time. She said yes and she corrected it for me. That made me totally shocked. I thought I was not that much poor at writing essay in English. That's bad news for me, who is going t.. 더보기
I got the saction from my American friend, which... Actually, now, as you see, I can write in English. I can write anything that I want to write in English insofar as I don't write the archaic style. But the problem is, I can't know that I did tell properly. What if I say, "I like your marbles." which means "you have very nice beads" in my thought, but my counterpart may take it as very weird and freak meaning? - which means...... no no no no no... 더보기