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One aspect of being a true christian. One aspect of being a true christian. The way and the truth for salvation is only one, Jesus Christ. If one truly believes in this, he/she can never say that there are other ways for salvation in the other religions or philosophy. If someone who goes to church says there are another way for salvation, it means that he/she doesn't believe Jesus Christ. The matter who is a true christian is determ.. 더보기
Meeting in KBTUS. I'm here in the dorm of KBTUS. I'm meeting people who are precious to me before I leave for USA. I feel happy as I see them, but it is a little bit pensive happiness. When would I be able to see them again? 2 years? 5 years? I can't promise. I will miss them. They will be my pleasing helper in my good memory as I study alone. Thank you, my friends. 더보기
Spring Spring Kim, Yohan With the most tender sound in the air, Celestial rays, scattered, spread. Feeling the sweetness of the tree and the smooth seat of green grass, I welcome the snowed breeze passing by And lively grow up as God wishes, As He get the earth singing. 더보기
Albeit Again. I got an albeit again, wrorking as an English teacher in English academy for this week. I gotta stop studying for a while again. 더보기
In the movie "Shadow Lands" about C.S. Lewis's real love story. Why love if losing hurts so much? I have no answers anymore, only the life I have lived. Twice in that life, I've been given the choice as a boy and as a man. The boy chose safety. The man chooses suffering. The pain now is part of the happiness then. That's the deal. In the movie "Shadow Lands" about C.S. Lewis's real love story. 더보기