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이천십년 삼월 열네번째날 내 생일 주일 날씨 더움 - A Happy Birthday

A Happy Birthday




"Hyung, are you still sleeping?

"Ah, yeah, what time is it?"

"It is almost 8:30. Come down now."


Down there in the kitchen, there waited Seaweed soup and grilled fish with Heekwang for me.

"Happy birthday, hyungnim."



"Yohan! Do you have time for lunch today?"


"Okay, I will cook Dongas for you."

"Dongas?! I like Dongas."

"Do you know Dongas? How do you know it?"

"We call it Dongas in Korean as well."

"Ho, interesting."


Hiro made me a very delicious Dongas and Shiomi made me a cheesecake. It was very wonderful, thankful, and happy lunch.





I have wanted to do this for a long time, so I did.

It was my first time to do, and the result was great though I made some mistakes.

On my birthday, I served more than 18 people with Korean style Curry rice dinner.

They are all men because women cannot come into men's dorm in my school.

I wanted to treat others as a host on my birthday as American people generally do as far as I have known.

They enjoyed my food and prayed for me all together.

I was so happy, but tears welled up in my eyes

I could not repress my tears.

Why did I weep?

I don't know why.

I think I was very moved to tears.


I don't know.

Thank you, my brothers.