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이천십년 삼월 아홉번째날 화요일 날씨 완전 봄이야!

Passing happiness round.


Am I the first lonely person who approaches to lonely people?
"I am not the only one who is lonely.
There are many lonely people in the world.
As I welcome when people come and say hello to me with a warm smile as I am lonely, other people also wait for the warm approach.
Do not be afraid of passing happiness round."
It is truism.
This is what I learned for a long time ago.
But the thing is, do I really practice the maxim?
There is nothing immutable, but things generally change slow.
Since I learned the lesson, how much my attitude has been changed?
I think it is changed a lot compared to that time. But I do not let it stop, but go on and on and on through my whole life.

The first application shall be that I will contact most of my friends and acquaintances who I have not kept in touch for a long time during spring break.