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이천십년 이월 열일곱번째날 수요일 날씨 괘안타~ㅎ

I had a heating talk with Ryan and Goun about her and my future.
Her major is same as mine and vision is similar.
Facing soon graducation, she should make a huge desicion for her future.
What do I want to do?
What is the best choice?
Where should I go?
What can I do?
There are many options, but it is still hard to pick one.
What should be the primary reason?
Why do I want to do education?
How can I do the authentic and holistic education?
Do I have to study more right after graduation, or make some careers?

I am working on it.
God will answer my prayer.
I will keep finding passionately and desiring my future that God had planned for me.