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이천십년 일월 십육일 토요일 날씨 맑음

I woke up at 9 am thanks to Sophie's calling, which requested me to help her move out.

Some people and I helped her and I came back my room.

I went to the RAC to get some free bread.

After that, I ate bread for lunch and went to student center to play pingpong.

I met there Melany and Abraham, who are going to marry this coming summer.

They gave me some advices for marriage.

"You do not have to hurry to marry quickly. The time preparing for the wedding can be one of the happiest period for both you and your girl friend."

Actually, I really wanted to make the marriage happen quickly because I do want living with my love.

But, let us take our time. the moments planning for the happiest journey are also the happiest.


And I waited in my room for Steven's call that we can go to Komart.

I waited for 4 hours and he canceled it.

I did not anything but reading comics.

What a waste of my time!!!

I felt hurt.

I will never trust him anymore!!!

At night, he came to me and apologized for his lack of punctuality.


Well, shall I give him a break?