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Please God, I beg you. Please God, I heartly beg your mercy. Please only save him. Please only let him live. God, God, you almighty God. Though the wave of darkness with a name, despire was over my sight, I heartly beg you with hope like a line of silk. Please, please... don't leave him died. God... God... 더보기
I feel upset and determined. I couldn't meet her. She blew out the appointment, while I waited for 1 and an half hour. I feel upset and determined. Don't think you will make your girl. Be satisfied with just a friend. It's not right time for things like mating. It's time for proceeding to your dream by all yourself. Damn it! 더보기
I feel irritated. I met her. I feel irritated. It's not good. I'd better not to meet her. 더보기
Galatian chapter 2 Paul, the apostle of Gentiles vs Peter, the apostle of Jews. The truth is one. We love God and our neighbors with all our heart. One of the way performing the revealation is preaching gospel to others. However, even in preaching gospel, there are various ways to do it. Then, I surly want and am going to be the preacher. No matter how great I can be, what kind of preacher I become matters. Of cou.. 더보기
A good decision. I made a good decision. It's that I should keep a journal eveyday on my Blog or somewhere. I have thought writing daily life and ideas is very good and important as I read other ones. Most of stories and ideas come from it. Let me make it a good habit of mine. Also I should write well using various expressions and containing facinating contents. I've had a thought it's better to write freely wha.. 더보기