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Don't stop. Write your dream again by Sooyoung Kim

Don't stop. Write your dream again by Sooyoung Kim


Dear Sophia(a fictitious name) who wants to study abroad.

As soon as I finished this book, no, while reading this, I thought of you. "Hmm, If she reads this, it will be a good challenge for her." When I see you wavering as a 25-year-old whether to take the challenge of studying abroad or to choose the safer way that older people suggest, I believe that this book will help your decision. Timely, the author was 25 years old when she had an initial stage of cancer diagnosed and started to reconsider her life and dream again, write these dreams down, and achieve them. No wonder it reminded me of you.

This book is like an autography + self-development book. Ms. Kim is a passionate youth of thirty, who works for Shell in England. She is an active

Woongjin, 2010

South Korea

bloger as well (http://blog.naver.com/cyberelf00).

She was a runaway girl, a middle school dropout, and a commercial school student, but she became a winner of the Golden Bell (a famous Korean TV quiz show for high schoolers), a student of Yensai Univ(a prestigious school in Korea), and a business manager of one of the largest Fortune 500 companies. From this life, she tells us what she has felt, realized, and learned.

"Boys, be ambitious!" This saying fits to the book, full of challenges. She sniffed at the theory of "You can't" that comes from common ideas in this society, such as 'You can't get a job abroad as a Korean,' 'You can't do well with your bad school career,' 'You can't succeed without perfect English,' 'You can't because of your age,' 'You can't as a woman,' but accomplished her dream with flying colors. She challenges us who lose our courage owing to people who say, "You can't."

"Isn't your heart beating?" If you were a youth whose heart is not beating with excitement despite reading this book, I think you are a stuffy youngster. As we see Ms. Sooyoung who has made, is making, and will make her diverse desires and dreams come true with her vigorous words and positive outlook, our hearts have also begun to throb and pound.

However, there are a couple of things to think again. First, this is a success story. You'd better focus on the tough course of her wonderful achievements and fabulous dream than look for the dreams alone. What she paid for and did, and how she acheived for her success, examine them carefully for yourself, have your own dream, confirm your determination, plan in detail, and hang on it day by day, and then, you will stand on the way you want one day.

The second point to reconsider is her particular outlook. Ms. Sooyoung has been achieving very wonderful dreams. A world tour, a photo album in 20 age, Salsa queen, Spanish, movie actress, Marathon, Yoga, donation project, and etc. I think that's cool. I too want to do many of these. However, they are her dreams. They are worthy to her. Some may not be worthy to you. There are universally good values, but I think deciding what to achieve with your time and energy is up to the individual' roles and views.

No matter whether or not you go study abroad, study English, and pursue the goal to be a counselor, I hope you find the value that you truly want. I pray that you never stop examining the value that is universal and valid from God's view, and that you walk on your own path.