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이천십년 일월 마지막날 주일 날씨 좀 추웠음.


It's 1:10 am.

I should sleep for tomorrow's early morning prayer, but I had homeworks to do.

I went to church in the morning with Japaness friends.

After church, one of those friends suggested me having lunch together, which he cooked for us : 오코노미야끼.

It was my first time to eat that. It was very delicious.

However, I got to come back home at 4:00 pm.


I had a lot of homeworks!!!


I was supposed to make dinner for my friend, who bought me dinner last time.

So, after the dinner, it was 8:00 pm.

ah haha

That's why I had worked on my assignments by now.


I wish I can have enough time and spirte to study.


Today's verse

2 Corinthians 3:7-11


2 Corinthians is written by the apostle Paul to Corinthian people in fall, A.D. 56. Since Paul wrote a letter, 1 Corinthians due to their bad rumor, he was pleased with the news of their repentance delivered by Timothy. Hence, Paul wrote one more letter, 2 Corinthians in order to encourage their faith and drive away false teachings and misunderstandings caused by false teachers. Paul also advocated his apostleship through his writing.

In particular, Paul emphasized the glory of the new covenant with a comparing structure between the ministry of Moses and that of New covenant (2 Co 3:7-11). First, Paul stated that the ministry of the Spirit is more glorious than the ministry of death, which caused shining glory on the face of Moses (7-8). Second, the ministry of righteousness is much more glorious than the ministry of condemnation (9). Third, what lasts forever is more glorious than what fades away (11). In summary, the present glory with Christians surpasses the past glory which came with Moses (10).

The context of this passage supports the message of this. In the previous context, Paul wrote that Corinthians, Christians were Jesus’ letters. The Spirit of God graved on their hearts. God made them competent as ministers of a new covenant. Paul underscored that they were ministers directly appointed by God. In the post context, Paul stated that they were better than Moses in that sense. In the Spirit of the Lord, they were free, and they reflect the glory of God. “Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech (12).”

Those passages give significant implications to us today. The glory of the New covenant that we convey is the best one, so we should have confidence with our ministry. Our ministry is much greater than anything like that of religion, philosophy, science, and so forth because our ministry is by the Holy Spirit, of righteousness, and in eternity. You yourselves are the evidence of Christ.


(Biblical Hermeneutics homework)