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이천십년 일월 이십구일 신나는 금요일밤, 날씨는 꾸리꾸리하지만 괜찮다.

I got up in the morning and saw the time.


Doo Doong!!!!

Ah... my morning class today ends at 9:20.

I have never missed a class since I studied here.

What a tragedy it is. X<

I need to be more alert and I have to more concentrate on what I study.



But... I can't handle my too optimistic characteristic.

"Hmm, the class time is already passed, then, let bygone, be bygone."

I slept more.

And, I got up again at the exactly sufficient time that I estimated for finishing my assignments of my afternoon class; 11:00 am.

After class, I studied until the library closed; 6:00 pm.

It closes so early on Friday.

Then, I ate 두부부침, 양파조림, 계란찜, 흑돼지 삼겹살 for dinner with 강용 and 규민.

Hmm, it was good.

Then, I talked to my girl friend and sister, and I played basketball.

I operated the laundry machine down there and, after writing this, I have to hang my wet clothes up on the string in my room.


Hmm, it is time to hang my laundry. See you~