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요한이가 사는법_Way of Yohan

One aspect of being a true christian.

One aspect of being a true christian.


The way and the truth for salvation is only one, Jesus Christ.

If one truly believes in this, he/she can never say that there are other ways for salvation in the other religions or philosophy.

If someone who goes to church says there are another way for salvation, it means that he/she doesn't believe Jesus Christ.


The matter who is a true christian is determined by the right truth and belief, not the status or title. For example, Pastor Kang, who committed suicide for his own idealogy is not a true christian because the christian lives not for his/her own idea, but for God's idea in which suicide is strongly banned. 

However, that doesn't mean that christians should look down or blame the people in other regligion.

Christians can never accept and respect the different values and the wrong truths of other religions, but should have the ability to distinguish what is right even among them although it takes quite time to learn and seems difficult.

What we can't respect is the false truth, not the person.
I think, christians should respect the person in the other religion as a person living together in this society.

In my opinion, the attitude toward other people with other ideas, that we can not accept, but we should try to understand and wisely react is significant.


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