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One shot with Picachu!!

사용자 삽입 이미지

One shot with Picachu!

I was on the way to Pizzahut with Grace in the evening on Sunday.

I found it and it came up into my heart to take a photo with it with all sudden.

At that time, I was so tired after I finished the hardest job of mine, serving as a minister.

The factor which made me do that might be because of my severe fatigue.

Whatever, I took it and amazingly it was a girl (I'm not sure it was girl or just ma'am something. I just decided to think it is a girl 'cause it gives more fine feeling.)

It's spring! I'm dying for a long-term cold, though. hahaha

'기타 > 일기' 카테고리의 다른 글

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