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I took my picture just because.

사용자 삽입 이미지
I took my photo just because.

I decided to write my daily track in English but it's not that much easy.

I resolve to write to improve my Englsih, I don't have any person who can correct it.

All I can do is just writing.  And... It's kind of boring. it is... frankly speaking, difficult.

I feel awkward when I write in English because it's far different from writing by Korean on the part of expressing meaning and emotion. I'm not free to express myself through English writing. I should think and consider again and again whether I write right or not.

Basically, it doesn't take much time to write in English now.
But I feel like I should try to develop my writing skill whenever I write in English.

I don't like that pressure.

These days I have tremendous things to do. I wake up late, though.

I have a bunch of things I want to do. However, the time is limited.

One of those is making a girl friend. It's fact some girls, some good girls are around me. but, how indecisive I am, I can't choose one. I think I'm afraid. I'm not manlike. T.T

Hey, man with no braveness, take courage!

I took a picture of myself just because.

That's my real face when I use internet.

It's not cool.

But. it's me. 

'기타 > 일기' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Happy birthday~~^^  (0) 2008.03.19