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I didn't know that my writing in English was this much bad.

I have a friend in U.S.A, who had been in Kangnam Jooang Church, Seoul.
I was a minister for Sunday School and she served as a teacher there so we could get along together.
I asked her to correct my essay if she had a time. She said yes and she corrected it for me.
That made me totally shocked. I thought I was not that much poor at writing essay in English. That's bad news for me, who is going to go to U.S.A for studying within 3 months.
However, it would be worse if I didn't know the truth.
What God's grace it is to get to her!!! She's a blessing for me from God.
I don't want to bother her too much, but it's my chance.
I have to ask her for help and make it up to her someday because it takes a lot of work.
I really appreciate you, Jeen.

'기타 > 일기' 카테고리의 다른 글

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