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이천십년 일월 이십이일 금요일 날씨 아름다움

I got up at 5:25 for the early morning prayer.

Pastor's sermon was a little quite long, but it was okay.

I was surprised by myself shouting, 'Lord, Lord,' and begging him to help me.

I might be as much stressful from my school works as I did so.

I am thinking assiduously whether I should drop a class or not.


I had a class at 8:00.

I read about 70 pages of books for 1 pm-class.

I ate Ramen with rice and took the class.

And I went to the library and read the Bible and memorized some bible verses, and read 47 pages of the Biblical hermenuetics book.

The library closed at 6:00 and I had to go back to the dorm.

On the way, I saw the sky, shining with golden orange colored feather-like clouds.

It was fantastic. How amazing God's creation is.

I paused for a while to appreciate it.


And I treated my 3 friends with Curry Rice and played the basketball together.

Now, I need to read more pages of the Biblical Hermenuetics.

What a nice day it is.


Thank God for being with me all the time.