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I should refresh my life.
I'm dying.
I always find time is priceless.
The first thing I have to do is I ought to get up early.
To accomplish it, I should go to bed early.
but.. It's already 1:05 am. T.T oh man oh man.

I have lots of things to do. Most of thoes are what I want to do.
So I need time. 24 hours. It's too short.
Time is Gold. Rozevelt said it? I feel it sooo practically.

Help me God...

'기타 > 일기' 카테고리의 다른 글

Happy birthday~~^^  (0) 2008.03.19
He leaves.  (0) 2008.03.14
I'm in such hurry.  (0) 2008.03.06
Minwoo...  (0) 2008.03.06
I overworked today.  (0) 2008.03.05