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The introduction of Educational ministry of the Church

This is that I summarized or reorganized what I learned from the Educational ministry of the Church..
All rights belong to Yohan Kim.
P.S. If there is a problem of copyright, please let me know. I will delete this.

Ok everyone. I'm so glad to meet you. Let's pray before we begin.


Today, I'd like to talk about the introduction of Educational Ministry of the Church.

There are many methods to explain and teach a certain subject, in the case of Christian Education, I found this way. It's a seven questions studying way. It's a basic way not only for C.E but also for most of things. Those questions are Why, What, When, Whom, How, Where, Who. Of course, You are very familiar to these.

Let's start with Why question, first. - Concept

Why are we engaged in C.E? Why do we have to study C.E? Why do the audiences come? Why are you here? casting these kinds of questions with Why, it's important to realize the exact purpose of Christian Education. Answering those questions, we can build the concept of C.E.

The second one is What Question. - Content

It's simple. What do we teach? That's crucial. So I want to say again, what must we teach? What must we teach? This is the most important part. So I link the what question with Content. And we can cast these kinds of questions, too. What do they need to learn? What do I need to teach? like this.

Next, It's When.

When do we teach? It's important, too. I'm not just speaking the time, in the morning, or in the evening, at noon or at 5 o'clock. What ages are the audiences in? Are they at elementary or high school? How are their spiritual development level? We should think when we educate and when the thing we educated will affect them. It's to link the education from the younger to the older. So I link When with Continuity.

Next question is Whom. It's considerably related to when.

Whom do I teach? Whole person. I need to understand my audiences well to fit to them. I need to understand their cultural or educational things. too. It's congruence

What is the next? It's How. - Confluence

how do we teach? not just mind but heart and cognition, affection as well, behavior.

how do we get people pay attention.

F. Where? - Context

how can I teach obedience. in the book(content), in the place, in the context of the world.

G. Who? - Contact

who is the teacher? whose job is christian education? who do I need to be?


II. Three Commitments to Reaffirm

A. Biblically-based Starting Point

great commission work, matthew 28:19~20 make the disciples and teach them to obey all that I commanded you.

1. Baptizing - Evangelism

2. Teaching - Christian Education

bring them forward.

different perspective.

Education! Let's study education. What Christian education would be?

wrong starting point. Social science should be used for the education but it is not to be pilot of the good ship of the Christian Education.

theology, scripture. gospel should be the piloted ship.

deeper integration for hyper spealization

so I study bible, theology, education etc.

B. Obey and Teach The Faith

we raise them up in the family. It's life-long task never finished.

everything Jesus commanded to OBEY. It doesn't mean teach All.

Let this text be the text to guide us for our task.

commitment to obeying and teaching the faith.

how to live as a christian. Faith trainning.

our response to God.

The faith.

content oriented.

the most important thing is what must we teach.

Martin Luther said we must basically know things like Lord's prayer. If we don't, we are not the christians.

What is essential and core?

know and obey, teach the Faith! we must pass the faith on from generation to generation.

C. Cooperative Servant Leadership

we have to reaffirm it.

parents, pastor, elder, old woman, all the people and on and on and goes, they all can be the christian educators.


Pastor is the critical christian educators.

Sunday school movement.

Sunday school is C.E

It's modern phenomenon.

Pastor ceo. not being teacher.

in the home too.

It's related to who question.