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요한이가 사는법_Way of Yohan

An advice to my dear friend.

I'm okay with it. I'm not sure I can be the right adviser. Don't regard me as a that kind of man but as just a man who had experienced similar things.

Above all, so many times, I've been frightened of giving everything of mine to something due to the anxiety that I would fail and lose all.

I would rather choose an easy way and be satisfied with it than chase a tough way and have the possibility of failure.

I had thought so before. But not now.

I'm doing what I want to do now.

Even though it is incomparably harder than the safe life,

Even though there are lots of potentialities of failure,

Even though my father who is proud that he knows me very well because he is my father says, "YOU can't go on that way. YOU are not adequate for it. It's your limitation. Your English is very poor. Your knowledge of study is so swallow,"

I believe God and do what I want to do.

It's never easy. It's too tough to bear, sometimes. However, I feel like, if I don't do it, I will regret through my whole life.

I think I'm still young. What about you?

If we fear to try this period, what can we do more afterwards?

Let's try, with the firm determination we should encounter the toughest moment in our life if you think the thing you want to do is more worth than the hard life.

I want to notice that there are several principles of try. If you keep those, you will not lose all at least, otherwise win in the long run.

If what I said is the right thing you wanted to ask, ask me again what is the principles that I think.